Our Latest Rallies

Maddie&FranWe have had a busy hot Georgia Summer! Since the last update, we sponsored a rally at Hoboken, GA, Reed Bingham SP and Crooked River SP. At Twin Oaks in Hoboken, we had the complete camp to ourselves and plenty of Spaghetti for all and more. In June at Reed Bingham SP near Valdosta, there was a plethora of chicken in many ways. One night Barry and Fran hosted the group to the Pecan farm and had Bar B Qu from Smokin Pig. On the way home both Rays experienced tire blowouts. In August we met some new friends and had homemade ice cream. All of it was good. Later was a huge meal under the pavilion, with all the good stuff, especially the potato salad. We are looking forward to seeing everyone at Ft McAllister SP in October, especially the new members.
